Configuration of the Duplicate Workflow

To use the backup and restore functionality, you need to specify a duplication workflow within the Moodle settings. However, there is no out of the box workflow defined in Opencast, which allows, to duplicate a series.

Own workflows

If you want to create your own workflow, here are the descriptions of the general restore process:

In the restore process, we first create a new opencast series for the new course. Afterwards, for each event UID of the backup a ‘duplicate’ workflow is started, while the new series UID is given as a configuration parameter to the start workflow call. The variable, used to store the series ID, is ‘seriesId’. In our workflow definition example from above, the first workflow lms-automated-duplicate will duplicate the event and will start a new workflow for the new event. This second workflow lms-publish-duplicate then assigns the series of the new course to the new event.

In order to be able to select your duplicate workflow within Moodle, you need to assign the ‘api’ tag to it, since the viable duplicate workflows are filtered by that.

Important changes

Prior to version v4.1-r1 of the plugin, the following workflows must use “seriesID” instead of “seriesId”. It is highly recommended/necessary to update these variables from “seriesID” to “seriesId” in your workflows if you are planing to use this feature with the latest version of the plugin.

Important Opencast database change

In addition to the steps above, if the above mentioned issue is applied to your system, then you might encounter the issue of unsuccessful duplication for old videos when using the new workflows with “seriesId”, for that to be fixed, you have to manually perform the following SQL database queries against your Opencast database:

SELECT * FROM oc_assets_properties where property_name='seriesID';

DELETE FROM oc_assets_properties WHERE property_name='seriesID';

Workflow examples

The workflow that is triggered by Moodle:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<definition xmlns="">

  <title>LMS Upload aus dem LMS duplizieren</title>


    <!-- Create the new events -->
      description="Duplicate Event">
        <configuration key="source-flavors">*/source,*/prepared,*/search+preview,dublincore/*,*/player+preview,*/feed+preview,*/timeline+preview,smil/*,security/xacml+series</configuration>
        <configuration key="number-of-events">1</configuration>
        <configuration key="target-tags">+copied</configuration>
        <configuration key="property-namespaces">, org.opencastproject.workflow.configuration</configuration>
        <configuration key="copy-number-prefix">Kopie</configuration>

    <!-- Start new workflow -->
      description="Start workflow on duplicate">
        <configuration key="workflow-definition">lms-publish-duplicate</configuration>
        <configuration key="media-package">${duplicate_media_package_1_id}</configuration>
        <configuration key="seriesId">${seriesId}</configuration>

    <!-- Cleanup the working file repository -->
      description="Remove temporary processing artifacts">
        <configuration key="preserve-flavors">security/*</configuration>
        <configuration key="delete-external">true</configuration>



The first workflow triggers this second workflow on the duplicated mediapackage.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<definition xmlns="">
  <title>Publish a duplicate of an LMS upload</title>


    <!-- Apply the default workflow configuration -->

      description="Applying default configuration values">
        <configuration key="straightToPublishing">true</configuration>
        <configuration key="flagForCutting">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="flagForReview">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="flagQuality360p">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="flagQuality480p">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="flagQuality720p">true</configuration>
        <configuration key="flagQuality1080p">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="flagQuality2160p">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="publishToEngage">true</configuration>
        <configuration key="publishToApi">true</configuration>
        <configuration key="publishToOaiPmh">true</configuration>
        <configuration key="publishToYouTube">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="publishToAws">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="uploadedSearchPreview">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="publishLive">false</configuration>
        <configuration key="thumbnailType">0</configuration>
        <configuration key="thumbnailPosition">1</configuration>

    <!-- Apply series -->

      description="Apply series metadata and acl">
        <configuration key="series">${seriesId}</configuration>
        <configuration key="attach">*/*</configuration>
        <configuration key="apply-acl">true</configuration>
        <configuration key="copy-metadata">isPartOf</configuration>

      description="Tagging metadata catalogs for publication">
        <configuration key="source-flavors">dublincore/*,security/*</configuration>
        <configuration key="target-tags">+engage-download,+archive</configuration>

    <!-- Archive -->

      description="Archive updated duplicate">
        <configuration key="source-tags">archive</configuration>

    <!-- Encode and publish -->

      description="Publish the recording">
        <configuration key="workflow-id">partial-publish</configuration>

    <!-- Archive after publish -->

      description="Archive publish information">
        <configuration key="source-tags">archive</configuration>

    <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
    <!-- Cleanup                                                           -->
    <!--                                                                   -->
    <!-- Remove work artifacts.                                            -->
    <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->

    <!-- Clean the system from work artifacts -->

      description="Remove temporary processing artifacts">
        <configuration key="preserve-flavors">security/*</configuration>
        <configuration key="delete-external">true</configuration>
